This guide is intended for students of Applied Economics programme to quickly locate library resources and reliable Internet resources related to their study and research.
Access your Library Account to:
• check the status of physical checked
out items
• renew checked-out items, e.g. books
• place holds on checked-out books
• save search queries and search results
• recommend books
Reference / IT Help Counter on the 2nd floor of the library
Phone: 0756-3620318
Excluding CNKI
Primo VE offers easy access to LRC’s print collection and e-resources by simultaneously searching across LRC’s catalogue and most subscribed English databases; types of resources found in Primo VE includes books, e-books, journal articles, newspaper articles, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, etc.
One of Primo VE’s unique search refinement options is: “Add results beyond your library’s collection”, which will further identify resources beyond LRC’s collections, including citations and other resourceful items held by other libraries which also subscribe to the Primo VE platform. And these external items may be requested through LRC’s interlibrary loan service (ILL).
Inter-Library Loan Service helps you get the full text of materials not available in LRC from other libraries. LRC currently provides interlibrary loan service for requests of journal articles and books. Fill out the ILL Request Form and click “Send”. You’ll receive an e-mail reply within 4 working days. More information is available under “Services - Inter-Library Loan Service” at LRC’s homepage.
Because all databases/e-resources LRC subscribes to are IP restricted, you need to connect to UIC VPN when you are at your dorm or off campus before accessing the databases/e-resources.
The UIC VPN is composed of two parts: Dkey Token and Cisco Any Connect Client. Please refer to ITSC website for details:
UIC Campus VPN Service Guideline