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Library Guide for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management: Magazines/E-Journals

About Magazines/E-Journals

Journals are more up-to-date than books and
provide information on the latest scholarly
research on a subject. They are very useful
resources when you do research. Magazines,
usually not for scholarly purposes, also provide the most recent information and knowledge on different subjects. 

Scholarly or Academic Journals

When an article is published in a peer-reviewed or refereed journal, it indicates that that article has been through a formal review process. It has been read by experts in the subject field before being accepted for publication.This ensures the information in the article is well-researched, and contributes to the knowledge of the subject area.

Peer Review

Peer review is a scholarly form of review for journal articles. After an article is sent to an academic journal, the editor sends it to several peer reviewers, typically fellow scholars in the same field as the author (peers), for evaluation.
These peer reviewers examine the paper's methodology, literature review, and conclusions. They note the existence of bias or other flaws. The peer reviewers may accept the article, require rewrites from the authors, or reject the article.


DOI (Digital Object Identifer) provides a persistent electronic link to a journal article or e-book. APA referencing style requires the DOI (where available) to be included in the Reference List citation.

Example journal article reference with doi:

Braaf, S., Riley, R., & Manias, E. (2015).    Failures in communication through documents and documentation across the perioperative pathway.    Journal of Clinical Nursing24(13/14), 1874-1884    doi:10.1111/jocn.12809.

Steps for Searching the Journals

  1.  Go to LRC homepage and click “E-Journals” tab.

  2. Type in the title or ISSN of the journal. Run your search and the key journals are listed below.
    For example, searching "music" will return 390 results. 


  3. Click the full text link and go to the journal page in specific databases.

  4. If you want to browse the journals by category, you can use the filters on the left side.

Print Magazines (2nd Floor)

*Find the complete lists of periodicals LRC subscribes to through “Collections” at LRC website.

  • 风景名胜

  • 故宫文物月刊

  • 国家人文历史

  • 环球人文地理

  • 旅游科学

  • 旅游论坛

  • 旅游天地

  • 旅游学刊

  • 中国国家地理