Basic Environmental Technology by Jerry A. NathansonCall Number: 628/N38/2003
ISBN: 0130930857
Publication Date: 2002-05-07
For introductory courses in Environmental Technology, Water Supply and Pollution Control, Environmental Quality Control, Environmental and Sanitary Design, Water and Wastewater Technology, and other undergraduate courses in the departments of Civil/Environmental Engineering. An easy-to-read, basic yet comprehensive text on a wide range of environmental subjects, this book focuses on fundamental concepts and practical applications, using only basic level (pre-calculus) mathematics where applicable, to help the student understand the interdisciplinary field of environmental technology. It provides an overview of the elements of public health, ecology, geology, and soils―with a focus on water and wastewater, solid and hazardous waste, and air and noise pollution control. Review material is included for those students with little or no background in the subjects of hydraulics, chemistry, biology, or geology, so that they can still comprehend and use this text.